Watch now (11 min) | When Katya was 6 years old, she prayed to God to heal her of the life-threatening autoimmune disease she was diagnosed with at a very young age, and God answered her and simply told her she was healed. A visit to the hospital later, which made her aware of the fact that her condition didn't improve, she refused to take any more medicine, telling her mother of her experience with God.
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Katya, Ukraine
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Watch now (11 min) | When Katya was 6 years old, she prayed to God to heal her of the life-threatening autoimmune disease she was diagnosed with at a very young age, and God answered her and simply told her she was healed. A visit to the hospital later, which made her aware of the fact that her condition didn't improve, she refused to take any more medicine, telling her mother of her experience with God.